Archives: chaplaincy program

Buddhist Chaplaincy Conference

May 16, 2011

Some 30 people, with various interest in Buddhist chaplaincy attended the first “Buddhist Chaplaincy Conference: […]

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Buddhist Chaplaincy

March 30, 2011

“Buddhist Chaplaincy: An Overview of Spiritual Care Giving,” a conference with Rev. Jennifer Block and Rev. Dr. Daijaku Kinst, will be held on Saturday, May 7, 2011 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Jodo Shinshu Center in Berkeley. The event is co-sponsored by the Institute of Buddhist Studies and the Sati Center for Buddhist Studies.

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New Certificate and Degree Programs

May 21, 2009

The Institute of Buddhist Studies is pleased to announce a new Certification Program in Buddhism and Psychotherapy for clinicians who wish to deepen and expand their practice as psychotherapists through a rigorous study of the Buddhist teachings. Dr. Judith Daijaku Kinst, IBS Adjunct Professor, states that the interface between Buddhism and psychotherapy is an increasingly important one for both the individual psychotherapist and for the practical integration of Buddhist teaching into contemporary Western society.

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