Archives: buddhist studies

Two new releases in the Contemporary Issues in Buddhist Studies series

October 30, 2013

Two new releases in the Contemporary Issues in Buddhist Studies series are: Charles Willemen, A […]

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Buddhism or Buddhisms? Rhetorical consequences of geo-political categories

August 13, 2012

The categorization of Buddhism along geo-political lines is perhaps the most common organizing principle today. It also tends to be accepted uncritically. Thus we find, without explanation, such expressions as “Indian Buddhism,” “Tibetan Buddhism,” “Chinese Buddhism,” “Burmese Buddhism,” and so on. These categories predominate not only in popular representations of Buddhism, such as the Buddhist magazines, but also in textbooks of both “world’s religions” and of Buddhism, in academic societies, and publishing, and perhaps the most durable entrenchment, in academic appointments.

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IASBS Now Affiliated RSO with AAR

June 26, 2012

The North American District of the International Association of Shin Buddhist Studies is happy to announce that we have been accepted by the American Academy of Religion (AAR) as a Related Scholarly Organization (RSO).

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