Studies in Central and East Asian Religion: Archive
Richard Payne | April 24, 2017
We are pleased to announce that the Institute of Buddhist Studies has received permission from the editors, Ian Astley and Henrik Sørensen, to be the electronic archive for the first nine issues of Studies in Central and East Asian Religions. They kindly made available a complete print set of issues one through nine of the journal.
The journal began in 1988, and presented work of The Seminar for Buddhist Studies, Copenhagen and Aarhus (Denmark). The focus of the journal was “religious phenomena in the area encompassing Tibet and Central Asia, Mongolia, China, Korea and Japan.” The editorial policy was purposely expansive, including all religious phenomena in the region, as well as accommodating a variety of methodologies.
The pdf downloads for articles, forums, reviews, and so on retain the pagination of the original publication, though the layout differs. This will allow readers to use stable page citations, whether referring to the print or pdf download version. We would like to thank Ms. Chenxing Han for having scanned, corrected the OCR, and made the layouts of the pdfs now available here, under “Publications.”
Please note that for ease of downloading, shorter items have been combined into a single pdf. Such combinations are noted on the table of contents by the addition of the word “and” at the end of a line on the table of contents.