The Buddhist Forum
Volume VI
by Tadeusz Skorupski
- Preface
- The Historical Spectrum of the Bodhisattva Ideal
- Bodhisattva Vow by Bodhibhadra
- Sevenfold Practice of the Dharma by Śākyaśrībhadra
- Mental Attitude During Daily Activities
- Eulogy of the Twelve Deeds of the Buddha
- Two Eulogies of the Eight Great Caityas
- Hymn to the Thirty-five Buddhas of Confession
- Presentation of Offerings to the Ḍākinīs
- Offering Butter Lamps
- Three Types of Evocation (sādhana)
- Self-generation as a deity
- Visualisation of the victorious vase
- Visualisation of the maṇḍala at the front
- Funeral Rites for Rebirth in the Sukhāvatī Abode
- Transference of consciousness
- Liberation through hearing in the intermediate state
- The cremation ceremony
- Ritual with an effigy-card (byang chog)
- Jyotirmañjarī of Abhayākaragupta
- The Saṃpuṭa-tantra: Sanskrit and Tibetan Versions of Chapter Two