Volume 7

Studies in Central & East Asian Religions

Volume 7 1994



Michael MONHART: A Fusion of Horizons: Shōmyō in Kogi Shingon Ritual……… 1 [download]

Ian ASTLEY: An Annotated Translation of Amoghavajra’s Commentary on the Liqu jing (Rishukyō)—Part I………………………………………………………. 27 [download]

Bhikkhu PĀSĀDIKA: Tibetan-Sanskrit Lexicographical Material Gleaned from the mDo kun-las btus-pa and Corresponding Passages Extant in Sanskrit Texts—Continued ……………………………………………………… 54 [download]


Antonino FORTE: Marginalia on the First International Symposium on Longmen
Studies……………………………………………………………………… 71 [download]

The Japanese Buddhist Icon in Its Monastic Context………………………………. 82, and

Shintō and Japanese Culture: A One-Day International Symposium, SOAS (London), Monday, 21st November 1994 (IA) …………………………………………… 86, and

The Society for Tantric Studies: Seminars on Tantrism at the AAR (IA)……………. 88 [download]

Reviews [download: reviews and brief notices]

Janine Anderson Sawada, Confucian Values and Popular Zen: Sekimon Shingaku in
Eighteenth Century Japan (Ian Reader)………………………………………. 89

Inagaki Hisao, The Three Pure Land Sūtras: A Study and Translation (Christoph Kleine)………………………………………………………………………… 93

Religion and Society in Tang and Sung China. Edited by Patricia
Buckley Ebrey and Peter N. Gregory (HHS)………………………………….. 98

Lost Empire of the Silk Road: Buddhist Art from Khara Khoto (X–XIIIth century).
Edited by Mikhail Piotrovsky (HHS)………………………………………. 102

Geri H. Malandra, Unfolding a Mandala: The Buddhist Caue Temples at Ellora
(HHS)……………………………………………………………………….. 105

Maria Dorothea Reis-Habito, Die Dhāraṇī des Groβen Erbarmens des Bodhisattva
Avalokiteśvara mit tausend Händen und Augen (HHS)……………………. 109

James Edward Ketelaar, Of Heretics and Martyrs in Meiji Japan (IA)…………… 111

Brief Notices [download: reviews and brief notices]

Harry Halén and Bent Lerbæk Pedersen, C. G. Mannerheim’s Chinese Pantheon
(HHS)……………………………………………………………………… 115

The Dongfang zongjiao yanjiu [Eng. subtitle: Studies in Oriental Religions]
(HHS)……………………………………………………………………… 116

Jingtu zang huizui [The Complete Classification of the Pure Land Treasury of

Scriptures] (HHS)………………………………………………………….. 117

Chanxue yanjiu [Research on Chan Practice] (HHS)……………………………… 118

Rinzai roku ichi sakuin (Concordance to the Record of Linji (Rinzai)) (HHS)……… 119

Daojiao dacidian (IA)……………………………………………………………… 119

Jan Slavik, Dance of Colours: Basic Patterns of Colour Symbolism in Mahāyāna
Buddhism. (IA)…………………………………………………………….. 120

Roger Goepper, Aizen-Myōō, The Esoteric King of Lust: An Iconological Study.
(IA) …………………………………………………………………………………. 121