Meet Chenxing Han, Our New Chaplaincy Program Coordinator
Gesshin Claire Greenwood | August 31, 2021
The Institute of Buddhist Studies is excited to announce our new chaplaincy program coordinator, Chenxing Han. Han is a graduate of IBS’ Buddhist chaplaincy program, and is well-known for her recent book Be the Refuge: Raising the Voices of Asian American Buddhists, as well as helping to organize the recent memorial service May We Gather. She is also a frequent guest speaker at dharma centers and universities.
Han received her MA in Buddhist Studies and a Certificate in Buddhist Chaplaincy from the GTU and IBS in 2014. She credits her time at IBS with helping her reimagine the role of Buddhism and chaplaincy in her own life. “Something that I really remember are the formation meetings that [former Chaplaincy program director] Daijaku led, and the sense of community we co-created… There’s a deep sense of care in supporting each other on our different paths and recognizing the points of commonality as well as difference. IBS has always felt like a spiritual and intellectual home.”
Before and after her studies at IBS, Han worked as a chaplain at the Sati Center for Buddhist Studies, at Pathways Home Health, and at Alta Bates Hospital. Since graduating from IBS, she has turned her attention more to writing and public engagement. She views her writing as an extension of her role as a Buddhist chaplain, and as a form of spiritual care. She was encouraged to write her book by faculty at IBS as well as her supervisor at Alta Bates Hospital, who told her, “Chaplaincy needs writers too.”
Han looks forward to supporting chaplaincy students in their unique paths of development. One of her favorite things about IBS is the diversity of spiritual and cultural backgrounds, and how Buddhist education at IBS encourages students to grow into their own skillsets and vocations. “You never quite know where an IBS alum will end up, and that’s part of the beauty of the program.”
We are lucky to have Han, and will benefit from her extensive experience and commitment to compassion and care.