IBS Offering “Works of Shinran I” Class
Gesshin Claire Greenwood | November 15, 2022
The Institute of Buddhist Studies (IBS) is pleased to announce that there are two spots available for auditors (i.e, non-degree students) in the course “Works of Shinran I,” beginning Feb. 2 and running through May 11.
The class will be taught by Rev. Dr. Takashi Miyaji, and will be held on from 9:30am to 12:30pm. Tuesdays at the Jodo Shinshu Center in Berkeley, California, with opportunities to join both in person or on Zoom.
The course is an examination of the shorter works of Shinran, including collections of letters, Japanese language hymns, and other writings. Students will learn to consider the text’s historical and doctrinal context, the style of the text and date of its composition, the title of the text and its meaning, Shinran’s purpose in composing the text, its place within the framework of Shinran’s thought, and its role in the development of Shin Buddhist thought.
Weekly homework includes readings from “The Collected Works of Shinran” “The Three Pure Land Sutras,” and “The Pure Land Writings.”
The cost of the course is $825 for general auditors, and $415 for senior auditors. To enroll in this class, please email our registrar, Helen Tagawa, at htagawa@shin-ibs.edu as well as Rev. Dr. Takashi Miyaji, at tmiyaji@shin-ibs.edu.