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Ryukoku Symposium: Buddhism and Japanese Culture
March 21, 2015
Co-hosted by: the University of California, Berkeley Center for Japanese Studies and the Institute of Buddhist Studies
The Sixth International Ryūkoku Symposium on Buddhism and Japanese Culture
9:00 am – 12:00 pm (in Japanese)
Revealing the Teachings: Popular Sermons (shōdō kange bon 唱道勧化本) in Shin Buddhism 真宗の唱道勧化本について 日下幸男氏(龍谷大学文学部教授)
Yukio Kusaka, Professor of Japanese Literature, Ryūkoku University
Doctrinal Debate (rongi 論義) in Kegon School 日本華厳における「論義」について 野呂 靖氏(龍谷大学文学部専任講師)
Sei Noro, Lecturer of Buddhist Studies, Ryūkoku University
Early Tendai Buddhist Disputes with Other Schools
初期日本天台における他宗との論争 吉田慈順氏(龍谷大学文学部非常勤講師)
Jijun Yoshida, Adjunct Lecturer of Buddhist Studies, Ryūkoku University
2:00 pm – 5:00 pm (in English)
The Significance of “Faith” in Medieval Shingon Buddhism
Takahiko Kameyama, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Institute of Buddhist Studies
The One or the Three, the One and the Three, and/or the One as the Three: Observations on the Relationship Between the Single Vehicle and the Three Vehicles in Medieval Japanese Hossō Thought
Tatsuo Florian Saile, Graduate Student, Buddhist Studies, UC Berkeley
Contextualizing Posthumous Kaimyō Ritual in Japan: Indian and Chinese Precedents for Renaming the Dead
Mark Blum, Professor and Shinjo Ito Distinguished Chair in Japanese Studies, East Asian Languages and Cultures, UC Berkeley
For more information contact: cjs-events@berkeley.edu or (510) 642-3415