Celebrating Public Theologies of Technology and Presence
Gesshin Claire Greenwood | November 30, 2021
The Public Theologies of Technology and Presence (PTTP) is a three-year program, launched in 2018 and funded by the Luce Foundation. This program gathered and funded a cohort of leading scholars of religion, theologians, and journalists for their work addressing a pressing concern of contemporary life: the ways in which technologies reshape human relationships and alter how people are or are not “present” with each other.
The Institute of Buddhist Studies is lucky to have helped host this initiative, organized and directed by IBS professor Dr. Steven Barrie Anthony. It has produced rich and diverse scholarship, and we’re proud to be able to display it on the IBS website here.
For the month of December, we’ll be highlighting the amazing scholarship this initiative has produced by sharing select capstone projects, publications, and syllabi on our social media channels (check out our Twitter here).
To kick off this month of celebration, we’ve interviewed Dr. Steven Barrie Anthony about the project on our blog The Ten Thousand Things (interview coming soon). As religious scholars and practitioners in an increasingly digital world, we hope you enjoy this thought-provoking and timely research on technology, presence, embodiment, morality, and connection.