
Buddhism or Buddhisms? Rhetorical consequences of geo-political categories

August 13, 2012

The categorization of Buddhism along geo-political lines is perhaps the most common organizing principle today. It also tends to be accepted uncritically. Thus we find, without explanation, such expressions as “Indian Buddhism,” “Tibetan Buddhism,” “Chinese Buddhism,” “Burmese Buddhism,” and so on. These categories predominate not only in popular representations of Buddhism, such as the Buddhist magazines, but also in textbooks of both “world’s religions” and of Buddhism, in academic societies, and publishing, and perhaps the most durable entrenchment, in academic appointments.

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IASBS Now Affiliated RSO with AAR

June 26, 2012

The North American District of the International Association of Shin Buddhist Studies is happy to announce that we have been accepted by the American Academy of Religion (AAR) as a Related Scholarly Organization (RSO).

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IBS Intensive Summer Seminar

June 18, 2012

Dr. Mark Blum, Professor of Japanese Studies at the University of Albany, SUNY, East Asian […]

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2012 Institute of Buddhist Studies Commencement

May 21, 2012

Five Institute Of Buddhist Studies’ students received their Master Degrees at a commencement ceremony on Friday, May 18, 2012 at the Jodo Shinshu Center in Berkeley.

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Second Annual Graduate Student Symposium

March 26, 2012

The Institute of Buddhist Studies in Berkeley, CA sponsored and held its Second Annual Graduate Symposium that presented work from graduate students across the United States. Institutions represented included Florida State University, the Graduate Theological Union, the Institute of Buddhist Studies, Maitripa College, Northwestern University, and University of Southern California. Within the fields of Art History, Buddhist Studies, and Religious Studies, students presented papers focused on the theme of Globalization, Tourism, Modernization and the Religions of Asia.

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New Book: Arts of Contemplative Care

February 24, 2012

A new book is being published by Wisdom Publications, titled The Arts of Contemplative Care, […]

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Spring Events at the Institute of Buddhist Studies

February 20, 2012

The Institute of Buddhist Studies is pleased to announce the following spring events. All events are […]

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Never Forget. Never Again, a message from George Takei

February 19, 2012

“Seventy years ago today, the President signed a decree that sent me and my family […]

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The Buddhist Forum now available on our website

January 30, 2012

The Institute of Buddhist Studies, Berkeley, is pleased to announce that the entire run of […]

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New Publication: Buddhism in the Modern World

January 26, 2012

Routledge has published a new volume, edited by David L. McMahan, titled Buddhism in the Modern World.

In Buddhism in the Modern World, McMahan brings together sixteen scholars to discuss various aspects of modern Buddhism in contemporary Asia and the West. Scholars from Martin Baumann and Paul David Numrich to Damien Keown and Cristina Rocha explore how Buddhism is practiced from Southeast Asia to Europe, how it influences ethics and social engagement, culture and politics.

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Graduate Student Symposium Call for Papers

December 12, 2011

We are pleased to announce a call for papers for the 2nd Annual Graduate Student Symposium at the Institute of Buddhist Studies. Our theme this year is “Globalization, Tourism, Modernization, and the Religions of Asia.”

Both in Asia and in the West, religions are transformed by globalization, tourism, and modernization. This conference invites graduate students to submit proposals considering how one or more of these topics affect religions of Asia, either in the U.S. or abroad.

Proposals should be between 150 to 200 words, and include the paper’s title and the author’s name, affiliation, and contact information. Please submit proposals to Courtney Bruntz no later than January 1, 2012.

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Numata Lecture: Karmic Mindfulness

October 26, 2011

Please join us this Friday, October 28, for the Fall 2011 Numata Lecture

Karmic Mindfulness: Rethinking Morality in Contemporary Buddhism

Professor Dale Wright, Occidental College

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Numata Endowment

September 28, 2011

A ceremony officially recognizing the donation of $500,000.00 towards the Jodo Shinshu Center Kodo’s Onaijin in 2003 was officially recognized with a short ceremony on Friday, September 23, 2011 at 10:30 a.m. The Onaijin donation was made in honor of the late Rev. Dr. Yehan Numata, founder of Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai(BDK).

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2011 Fall Enrollment

September 27, 2011

The incoming class of fall 2011 at the Institute of Buddhist Studies is one of growing diversity of interest in Buddhist Studies, Shin Ministry and Buddhist Chaplaincy.

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Theravada Buddhist Studies with the Sati Institute

August 18, 2011

The Institute of Buddhist Studies (IBS) and the Sati Institute of Theravada Buddhist Studies (SITBS) announce a new, cooperative degree program.

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Buddhist Chaplaincy Conference

May 16, 2011

Some 30 people, with various interest in Buddhist chaplaincy attended the first “Buddhist Chaplaincy Conference: […]

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2011 Commencement

May 12, 2011

Three Institute of Buddhist Studies’ students received their Master Degrees at Commencement ceremonies on Friday, […]

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Spring 2011 Numata Lecture

May 9, 2011

“Making Sense of the Blood Bowl Sutra: Gender, Pollution, and Salvation in Buddhist Sermons from Early Modern Japan,” was the Institute of Buddhist Studies’ Spring Numata Lecture topic presented by Dr. Lori Meeks of University of Southern California.

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Buddhist Chaplaincy

March 30, 2011

“Buddhist Chaplaincy: An Overview of Spiritual Care Giving,” a conference with Rev. Jennifer Block and Rev. Dr. Daijaku Kinst, will be held on Saturday, May 7, 2011 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Jodo Shinshu Center in Berkeley. The event is co-sponsored by the Institute of Buddhist Studies and the Sati Center for Buddhist Studies.

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