
In memoriam: Rev. Dr. Taitetsu Unno

December 14, 2014

Update: The Memorial Service for Rev. Dr. Taitetsu Unno will be held on Saturday, 3 […]

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2014 IBS Memorial Service

December 12, 2014

The Institute of Buddhist Studies conducted its annual Memorial Service on Thursday, December 4 at […]

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First IBS President’s Award

August 14, 2014

Dr. Taitetsu Unno, distinguished minister, scholar, translator and author, was presented with the first Institute […]

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2014 Commencement

May 30, 2014

IBS 2014 Commencement: Four Institute of Buddhist Studies’ Buddhist Chaplaincy students received their joint Graduate […]

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Spring 2014 Ryukoku Lecture Series

March 10, 2014

The Institute of Buddhist Studies will present the 2014 Ryukoku Lectures with Professor Nobuhiro Fukagawa, […]

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Call for Papers: Buddhist Perspectives on the Work of Care

March 4, 2014

Posted on March 3, 2014 by UBC Buddhism “Buddhist Perspectives on the Work of Care” […]

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Ministerial Scholarship Fund Announcement

February 3, 2014

  News from the Development Corner at the IBS I have some wonderful news to […]

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International Center for Humanities, Science, and Religion Symposium

November 6, 2013

Dr. Richard Payne, Dean of the Institute of Buddhist Studies, and the Rev. Dr. Daijaku […]

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Two new releases in the Contemporary Issues in Buddhist Studies series

October 30, 2013

Two new releases in the Contemporary Issues in Buddhist Studies series are: Charles Willemen, A […]

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IASBS events at this year’s AAR

September 16, 2013

The International Association of Shin Buddhist Studies (IASBS), the largest international organization dedicated to the scholarly study of Pure Land Buddhism, has recently become a related scholarly organization of the AAR. This means that the IASBS will be able to host meetings in conjunction with the AAR’s annual meeting, thus allowing for greater exposure of Shin and Pure Land Buddhist studies to a North American audience.

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Dharma at Times of Need

May 8, 2013

With the theme: “Dharma at Times of Need: The Interface of Chaplaincy and Ministry,” a […]

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New Book: Heart of the Shin Buddhist Path, A Life of Awakening

April 12, 2013

Wisdom Publications has released a new book by noted Shin Buddhist scholar Takamaro Shigaraki, Heart […]

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Dharma at Times of Need: symposium jointly sponsored by IBS and Harvard

April 11, 2013

A two day symposium jointly sponsored by the Institute of Buddhist Studies and Buddhist Ministry Initiative, Harvard Divinity School, Cambridge, will be conducted on Friday, May 3 and Saturday, May 4, 2013 at the Jodo Shinshu Center, 2140 Durant Avenue, Berkeley, CA , with the theme “Dharma at Times of Need: The interface of Chaplaincy and Ministry.”

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Three Lectures by Takamaro Shigaraki

February 5, 2013

Dr. Takamaro Shigaraki, noted Shin Buddhist Scholar, former Professor and President of Ryukoku University, and […]

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2013 Ryukoku Lecture Series

January 29, 2013

We are pleased to announce the 2013 Ryukoku Lectures series with Prof. Tesshin Michimoto Mt. […]

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Call for Papers: Pure Land Buddhism Conference

December 3, 2012

Pure Land Buddhist traditions have been some of the largest and most influential in Buddhist history, and remain so to the present day. Moreover, the very idea of a purified, perfect land of a buddha echoes throughout Buddhist text and praxis. Most often, this buddha is “Immeasurable Light” or “Immeasurable Life,” who created a pure land far to the west of our own world. But there are many others. This conference aims to examine sectarian traditions of Pure Land Buddhism as well as the “pure land” within Buddhism generally. As this conference is jointly-sponsored by associations connected to Pure Land Buddhist traditions in two countries, it is a unique chance to approach pure land expansively, in terms of its long history, global reach, and diverse regional and trans-regional expressions–whether in or across what are today known as China, Korea, Vietnam, Japan, Canada, and so on. The hope is to increase knowledge and scholarly exchange about the multifaceted development of pure land in Buddhist cultures. Papers are welcome on any aspect of pure land, type of Pure Land Buddhism, any region or historical period, and from any methodological or disciplinary perspective.

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Call for papers, Update: Proposal Deadline Extended

December 3, 2012

We are pleased to announce a call for papers for the 3rd Annual Graduate Student Symposium at the Institute of Buddhist Studies.

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Domestic Dharma keynotes added to the podcast

November 27, 2012

Audio and video recordings from this fall’s symposium, Domestic Dharma: Beyond Texts, Beyond Monasteries, has been added to our podcast.

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First Annual Eitaikyo Service

November 15, 2012

  The Institute of Buddhist Studies conducted its first Perpetual Memorial Service (Eitaikyo Service) on […]

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2012 Fall Semester enrollment

October 25, 2012

The Institute of Buddhist Studies (IBS), seminary and graduate School, began its 2012 fall semester with a total of eighty students enrolled in its Buddhist Studies programs.

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