Takashi Miyaji

H.E. Kosho Ohtani Professor of Shin Buddhist Studies
Assistant Professor of Jōdo Shinshū Buddhist Studies

Contact: tmiyaji@shin-ibs.edu

Rev. Dr. Takashi Miyaji has been a minister since 2014 and currently works as a part-time minister at the Southern Alameda County Buddhist Church in Union City, CA. In addition, he teaches as an assistant professor at the Institute of Buddhist Studies in Berkeley, California since September of 2020.

He graduated from the University of California at Berkeley with a Bachelor’s Degree with a double major in Philosophy and Japanese with a minor in Buddhism; Institute of Buddhist Studies at Berkeley, California with a Master’s in Buddhist Studies; Ryukoku University in Kyoto, Japan with a Master’s Degree in Shin Buddhist Studies; and completed the doctoral coursework at Ryukoku University as well as his dissertation, which is entitled, “Shin Buddhist Ethics (Shinshū Rinri no Kenkyū).” He specializes in the areas of Japanese Buddhism and religion, translation of Buddhist scripture, and Jodo Shinshu doctrine and ethics.

Takashi received his Tokudo and Kyoshi qualifications at the Honpa Hongwanji school located in Kyoto, Japan.

Degrees and Qualifications
Ph.D., Ryukoku University, Kyoto, Japan (September 2019)
Master’s Degree, Ryukoku University, Kyoto, Japan (March 2013)
Master’s Degree, Institute of Buddhist Studies, Berkeley, CA (March 2011)
Bachelor’s Degree, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA (December 2006)

Hokyo rank: Academic title recognized within the Nishi Hongwanji (2016)
Kyoshi Ordination (2014)
Tokudo Ordination (2012)

Research and Teaching Interests
Shin Buddhist doctrine and contemporary social issues
Translations of sacred texts
Shin Buddhist hermeneutics and exegesis
Three Pure Land Sutras
Shinran’s works
Interfaith dialogue
Topics on race, cultural identity, and complexities in translation and cultural exchange
History of Shin Buddhism as well as the history of Buddhism in America
Issues on Doubt and Shinjin in Shinran’s Thought

English translation of Gomonshu’s (Head Priest of Nishi Hongwanji) book entitled, Moving Forward Just As You Are: Living in These Uncertain Times 『ありのままに、ひたむきに』
A member of the Shin Buddhism Translation Series, a translation committee that completed the English translation of Tanluan’s works: Commentary on the Treatise on the Pure Land, and Gathas in Praise of Amida Buddha.
English translation of the book into English entitled Ryu-dai, The First Step: “The Founding Spirit” of Ryukoku University
“An Examination of Shinran’s Notion of Doubt: Particularly in the Scope of the Ōjōyōshū” in Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies, Vol. LXIII No. 2 (March 2015)