
Our faculty produce leading edge scholarship and are active in academic and Buddhist communities, locally and internationally.

Core Faculty serve as academic advisors and mentors and guide and develop the academic program. Research Fellows have an ongoing relationship with the Institute, provide additional scholarly expertise, and are able to serve on thesis committees.

Paula K. Arai, Core Faculty

Eshinni and Kakushinni Professor of Women and Buddhist Studies

Courtney Bruntz, Core Faculty

Director of Assessment and Accreditation

Lilu Chen, Core Faculty

Associate Professor of Spiritual Care and Interreligious Engagement, Director of Field Education

Nancy G. Lin, Core Faculty

Noboru and Yaeko Hanyu Professor of Buddhist Chaplaincy

Scott A. Mitchell, Core Faculty, IBS President

Rev. Yoshitaka Tamai Professor of Jodo Shinshu Buddhist Studies

Takashi Miyaji, Dean

H.E. Kosho Ohtani Professor of Shin Buddhist Studies

Natalie Fisk Quli, Core Faculty

Associate Professor of Theravada Buddhist Studies

Mutsumi Wondra, Research Fellow

Shin Buddhist Studies

Daijaku Judith Kinst, Professor Emerita

Sōtō Zen Buddhist Studies

David Ryoe Matsumoto, President Emeritus

Jōdo Shinshū Buddhist Studies

Richard K. Payne, Professor Emeritus

Japanese Buddhist Studies