Buddhist Chaplaincy: Frequently Asked Questions

What is a chaplain?

A chaplain is a person who works to meet the spiritual needs of people in institutional settings including hospitals, hospices, the military, schools, prisons, businesses, and other organizations. Chaplains are available to any person in distress, and function primarily in interfaith settings. A professional chaplain receives substantial education and training in skillfully providing this service.

There are many ways to be a chaplain. Chaplains can be volunteer or paid. Paid chaplains can be board certified, associate certified, or uncertified. Among these, board certified chaplains meet the highest professional standards in the field. This includes graduate theological education, clinical pastoral education, and firm grounding in a spiritual practice and tradition. Certification as a professional chaplain is a nationally recognized qualification, and some employment opportunities require it. Standing as a professional chaplain also opens leadership and research opportunities. The chaplaincy track within the M.Div. degree program at the Institute of Buddhist Studies meets all academic education requirements for certification by the Association of Professional Chaplains (APC).

What is a Buddhist chaplain?

A Buddhist chaplain is sustained and guided in their work by Buddhist teachings and practice, is skilled in meeting the needs of Buddhists and those with an affinity for Buddhist teachings, and is also able to serve people of another, or no, spiritual tradition.

In order to build a foundation for a life of practice and service, the education of a professional Buddhist chaplain includes central Buddhist teachings, relevant aspects of pastoral care literature, contributions from contemporary psychology and counseling, an exploration of the role of ritual and practice, and the teachings of different religious traditions. All study is accompanied by thoughtful inquiry into how these teachings are applied to a chaplain’s work within an interfaith setting.

Is chaplaincy right for me?

Candidates interested in chaplaincy at IBS often have prior experience serving those in need. This could be volunteering at a hospice, prison, or hospital, or prior counseling or social work experience. Most also have an established relationship to a Buddhist tradition.
However, there is no one formula for becoming a chaplain and no one trajectory. Ultimately, over the course of your studies you can discern whether professional chaplaincy is the right path for you. While there are many volunteer, career, and spiritual experiences that may inform your choice and prepare you to become a chaplaincy candidate, most if not all chaplains feel “called” to this work. Beyond an interest or curiosity, a calling is often a voice, intuition, or yearning to serve in this way.

Students enter the IBS chaplaincy program with a variety of plans and goals, and our graduates work in many settings. Some become APC board certified chaplains, others serve as educators of volunteer chaplains, some enter the military, others work in education. Some graduates have gone on to deepen their Buddhist practice in residential or monastic settings. Each journey is unique and your education will be tailored to your specific, and perhaps evolving, needs and goals.

Becoming a board certified chaplain, or completing this degree for other purposes, requires an investment of money and time. Prospective candidates are encouraged to view current tuition rates and to apply for an IBS student scholarship if needed. Determining your level of personal, intellectual, spiritual, and financial commitment is part of the discernment process.

What kind of education, training and certification do I need to work as a chaplain?

The majority of paid chaplain positions in hospitals and hospices require a Master of Divinity or a graduate-level theological degree. Most employers will also ask for 4 units of Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) and certification by a professional chaplaincy organization. 

Prospective students are encouraged to check job postings from websites like indeed.org to see what employers are asking for when hiring chaplains.

How do you get certified to be a chaplain?

To become a board-certified chaplain (BCC) by the Association of Professional Chaplains (APC), you need five things:

  1. 72 units of graduate study from an accredited institution (of which a set number must be in theology, philosophy, or psychology and cover certain subject areas), or the equivalent;*
  2. four units of Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE);
  3. endorsement from a recognized faith organization;
  4. 2,000 hours of work experience after four units of CPE are completed; and
  5. essay submissions demonstrating 29 professional competencies. Then you can apply and be interviewed by a designated APC review board.

*See the BCCI website for more information, especially question 2 of the FAQ section for Education.

What is the chaplaincy program at IBS? How does this meet the requirements of the APC?

The chaplaincy track of the M.Div. degree program at the Institute of Buddhist Studies fulfills all educational requirements required to become a certified chaplain via the APC. This is a 72-unit degree that takes three years of full-time study to complete. We also offer a Certificate in Buddhist Chaplaincy, which can be combined with a second year of graduate-level study in our Masters of Arts program. Read more about our “stackable curriculum” here.

Do I need a Master of Divinity (M.Div.) to become a chaplain?

An M.Div. degree is the simplest and surest way to ensure you meet the APC educational requirements for full board certification. An M.Div. degree also sets you up for future promotions and leadership roles within healthcare and/or ministry. IBS is accredited by WASC (Western Association of Schools and Colleges) and recognized by CHEA (Council for Higher Education Accreditation). Our 72-unit M.Div. degree is fully accepted by the APC. We have an established history of graduating M.Div. students who have successfully obtained board certification.

I already have some graduate work and/or chaplaincy experience. Can IBS help me determine if I meet the requirements for equivalency with the APC?

Equivalency is evaluated on a case-by-case basis by the APC. In some cases, aspiring chaplains without a theological degree may apply for “equivalency.” Since IBS does not determine equivalency, we encourage those who are interested to read the Equivalency section of the BCCI website and to contact APC directly.  

What is endorsement? Do I need to be ordained to be a chaplain?

You do not need to be ordained to become a chaplain. However, you do need endorsement from a faith group recognized by the APC in order to be board certified by them. Endorsement ensures that the chaplain is being held accountable by an organized spiritual community, has access to support and guidance, and is professionally qualified to represent their spiritual community.

In the case of Buddhist chaplains, this would be a Buddhist sangha or temple. Information about recognition by the APC as an endorsing body can be found here, in question 4 of their FAQ.

Although it is not necessary to be involved with an endorsing body or sangha to be a student at IBS, potential students wishing to become board certified chaplains who are not affiliated with a sangha or Buddhist group are encouraged to establish a relationship with an organized Buddhist community as soon as possible.

Endorsement to be a military chaplain is a unique process. Please see the following question.

I’m interested in becoming a military chaplain or a prison chaplain. Is IBS right for me? Am I qualified?

The chaplaincy program at IBS meets all educational requirements for military and prison chaplaincy. If you are interested in military chaplaincy, you are best served by talking to a military recruiter. Endorsement by a religious body approved by the Department of Defense is required. Currently, the only Buddhist organization approved by the Department of Defense is the Buddhist Churches of America (BCA). However, the BCA will extend its endorsement to qualified candidates from other Buddhist traditions. For further information please contact Rev. Michael Endo at mendo@bcahq.org.

Requirements for prison chaplains vary from state to state, and federal prisons have specific requirements. Please check with the Department of Corrections in your state for information on serving in state prisons and the Federal Bureau of Prisons for information on serving in the federal prison system.

How does IBS prepare chaplaincy students for work in diverse environments?

Feel free to watch our chaplaincy program alumni speak about their experiences in the “Buddhist Spiritual Care for Our Times” panel.


Does IBS provide clinical pastoral education (CPE)?

Clinical Pastoral Education is provided by sites approved by the APC. One unit of CPE completed at an approved site can be counted as academic credit towards the graduate degree. Most students complete CPE requirements in a year-long program after completing their graduate education.  However, this is not always the case. Finding the right site and the right professional course for you is a discernment process that is a part of your graduate education experience.

Though IBS does not administer CPE, we do guide students in selecting CPE sites and advise them in the application process. Interested students can contact the Field Education Director, Dr. Lilu Chen (lchen@shin-ibs.edu) for more information. You can also search for accredited CPE sites in your area here.

I don’t have a B.A. Can I still apply to IBS?

A Bachelor’s degree (B.A.) or its equivalent from an accredited college or university,; or evidence of having completed equivalent studies under a different educational system, is required for admissions into our degree programs.

Do I need to be affiliated with a specific Buddhist tradition to apply?

No, everyone is welcome at IBS. However, if you intend to be a professional Buddhist chaplain you will need endorsement from a Buddhist community at some point.

Can I just do the IBS standalone Certificate in Buddhist Chaplaincy?

Yes, but this alone does not certify you to be a professional chaplain with the APC. IBS’s Certificate in Buddhist Chaplaincy is not synonymous with certification from the APC. In certain cases, the standalone chaplaincy certificate may be suitable for advanced study, especially if you already have a graduate degree. If you already have some graduate training but require more credits, please contact the APC directly to determine how many academic credits you need.

Do you offer scholarships?

Yes! Most IBS degree and certificate students receive at least a 50% reduction in tuition. All IBS students are encouraged to apply for institutional scholarships. When applying, simply check the box indicating that you would like to apply for a student scholarship. Students enrolled in the GTU MA Program may also apply for federal student aid.

Can I do a degree or certificate program part time?

Yes! Part time enrollment is possible, and many of our students take this option for at least part of their studies.

Do you have a non-residency/online degree option for chaplaincy?

Although some courses are online, we do not offer a non-residential or online degree option.

Do I need to take the GRE to apply?

GRE scores are optional for the M.Div. and M.A.B.S. program applications. GRE scores are required for the GTU M.A. program application. GRE scores are not required for certificate program applications.

Does IBS provide field education?

Yes. Field education is required of all M.Div. students. Field education encourages students to generate their own meaning making and self-understanding through service experience. Students have the opportunity to choose their own field site. We encourage students to choose a site that allows for meaningful interaction with other people as well as opportunities for personal growth and skills development. Students can choose sites at a temple, sangha, healthcare setting, prison, or community care-based non-profit. Students must have oversight, guidance, and evaluation from an onsite supervisor. Students may also elect to do Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) toward fulfilling the FE requirement. For more information, see the Field Education Handbook linked via our Registration & Forms webpage or contact the Field Education Director, Dr. Lilu Chen (lchen@shin-ibs.edu). 

Who do I contact for further information and questions?

If you have further questions about the admissions process or financial assistance, please contact our Admissions Director Gesshin Greenwood (gesshin@shin-ibs.edu). If you have questions about our academic program or wish to visit a class, please contact Dr. Nancy Lin (nlin@shin-ibs.edu).