Women in American Buddhism Conference

Blending Tradition, Community, and Family

women in buddhism denver conference

August 29 - 31, 2008

Thank you!

The Institute of Buddhist Studies, the Tri-State Denver Buddhist Temple, the conference organizers and participants wish to say thank you all the people whose hard work and tireless efforts made the Women in American Buddhism Conference such a success.

Thank you!

Video Now Available!

Video from the conference is now avaialble.

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These videos require the Quick Time media plug-in available free from Apple.

Keynote Address: Being Female, Being Buddhis: Obstacle or Inspiration?

Click the links below to view this video. (On a PC, right click to download the file to your computer.)

women in buddhism keynote address by Judith Simmer-Brown

Tiny (12.2 MBs good for dial-up connections)   |   Small (70.7 MBs)   |   Medium (234 MBs)   |   Big (435.3 MBs)

The Role of Bhikkunis and Monastics in the U.S.

Part One of Four

Bhikkhuni Sobhana of the Bhavana Society

Tiny (6.1 MBs good for dial-up connections)   |   Small (15.2 MBs)   |   Large (64.1 MBs)

The Role of Bhikkunis and Monastics in the U.S.

Part Two of Four

Bhikshuni Tenzin Kacho of Thubten Shedrup Ling

Tiny (4.5 MBs good for dial-up connections)   |   Small (11.3 MBs)   |   Large (34.4 MBs)

The Role of Bhikkunis and Monastics in the U.S.

Part Three of Four

Susan Ji-on Postal Sensei of Empty Hand Zen Center

Tiny (6.6 MBs good for dial-up connections)   |   Small (16.3 MBs)   |   Large (49.5 MBs)

The Role of Bhikkunis and Monastics in the U.S.

Part Four of Four

Susan Pembroke of Alliance for Bhikkhunis, Inc.

Tiny (4.5 MBs good for dial-up connections)   |   Small (11.1 MBs)   |   Large (33.7 MBs)

The Eightfold Path and the Kitchen Sink

Part One of Three

Giovannina Jobson, Naropa University

Tiny (17.7 MBs good for dial-up connections)   |   Small (22.9 MBs)   |   Large (89.3 MBs)

The Eightfold Path and the Kitchen Sink

Part Two of Three

Jacqueline Kramer, Hearth Foundation

Tiny (20.2 MBs good for dial-up connections)   |   Small (26.6 MBs)   |   Large (105.1 MBs)

The Eightfold Path and the Kitchen Sink

Part Three of Three

Gordon Bermant, Buddhist Churches of America

Tiny (21.5 MBs good for dial-up connections)   |   Small (28 MBs)   |   Large (108.3 MBs)

Buddhism, Women and Society

Part One of Two

The Venerable Pannavati Bhikkhuni, Embracing Simplicity Buddhist Hermitage

Tiny (37.8 MBs good for dial-up connections)   |   Small (67.3 MBs)   |   Large (191.1 MBs)

Buddhism, Women and Society

Part Two of Two

The Rev. Shoyo Taniguchi, Southern Alameda County Buddhist Church

Tiny (33.8 MBs good for dial-up connections)   |   Small (66.1 MBs)   |   Large (165.2 MBs)

Entwinement and Liberation: Buddhists Living with Disabilities

Part One of Three

Rev. David Matsumoto, Institute of Buddhist Studies

Tiny (5.5 MBs good for dial-up connections)   |   Small (28.1 MBs)   |   Large (107 MBs)

Entwinement and Liberation: Buddhists Living with Disabilities

Part Two of Three

Terry Ray, M.A., L.P.C.

Tiny (6.4 MBs good for dial-up connections)   |   Small (32.3 MBs)   |   Large (130.2 MBs)

Entwinement and Liberation: Buddhists Living with Disabilities

Part Three of Three

Susan Ji-on Postal Sensei of Empty Hand Zen Center

Tiny (5 MBs good for dial-up connections)   |   Small (25.4 MBs)   |   Large (97.5 MBs)